Each BC company must have a Registered Agent and Registered Office in the BVI, provided by a licensed trust company.
Each company must have a minimum of one director and corporate directors are permitted. No nationality requirements for directors. However, under the Business Companies (Amendment) Act 2005 "the New Act", every newly incorporated company will be required to appoint first directors within 6 months of the date of incorporation and the original or copy of the Register of Directors will be required to be kept at the office of the Registered Agent.
Each company must have a minimum of one shareholder and bearer shares are allowed. Under the new Act, bearer share certificates will have to be held by an "Authorised Custodian" or "Recognized Custodian". The Register of Shareholders or a copy thereof should be kept at the office of the Registered Agent. Details of the shareholders do not appear on any public record, although there are provisions for optional filling at the Registry of Corporate Affairs of this information if required. Often, it is advisable to keep the original register in the BVI for stamp duty reasons.
There are no requirements for Annual Returns, Annual Meetings or Audited Accounts.